Wednesday 9 April 2008

Third Shoot

With the third shoot i wanted to create definite separation between the model and the background.
My key light was a snoot to the left, level with the model's face, metered at f8. My fill light was a honeycomb, to the right, was metered at f5.6. I also has a light behind the model and to the left (kicker) and a hair-light with a honeycomb above the model. These were both metered at f10, this was to exaggerate the highlights.

The images below were created using the same mirror card as in the first set of photos i took.

The images below were taken with a shiny material in the background. I do not feel these images work as my first photo shot when the same material was used. This is because the material is further away from the model and therefore not as abstract.

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